Returns & Refund Policy

At MalabarRoots, We are committed to delivering top-notch products to our valued customers. However, if you encounter any dissatisfaction with your purchasing experience or have concerns about the products received, we have outlined the appropriate procedures for order cancellation and product returns.

Refund Policy:

If you wish to reconsider your purchase, you have the flexibility to cancel your order at any time until it is dispatched for delivery. Upon cancellation, your refund will be promptly initiated and credited to your original payment source within a maximum of 5-7 business days.

Please be aware that once your order is out for delivery, cancellation or refund requests cannot be entertained.

Return Policy:

Returns due to company defaults or damaged/below-standard product quality will be duly considered by Malabarroots. We will investigate the matter and take necessary actions.

To initiate an item return request, it must be done within 7 days of the successful delivery of the order. Contact us at to raise the return request, ensuring to include product images in case of damages in the email.

Approval of the return request is subject to verification by the company. All returned items must be in new and unopened condition, accompanied by the original receipt and packaging.

For any inquiries, feel free to reach out to us at (+91) 85903 57575 or write to Approval of product returns is contingent upon verification by the company.